Back to School...Back to School....

At the last minute I decided to offer back to school mini sessions.  I had been thinking about it for awhile, but just didn't plan it.  I only had two families but it was a perfect evening of mini sessions!  These kids are adorable.  We met at Gantz Park in the evening light and had some fun. 

 It took her a little while to warm up....but then she was cracking me up!  We did a few quick ones with her brother...and I mean QUICK. He's a fast little bugger!

I've been photographing these two lovely girls for awhile...I love them.  They are always dressed so adorable, and are willing to do whatever I ask of them--while chatting with me the entire time.  Love that!

Little miss....she stole a bite from an apple while no one was looking.  Then we busted her out--err her mom did.  FUNNY! 

 Thank you Amanda and Omega for bringing your kiddos out last week.  I hope you enjoy your images!!